Bahasa Inggrisnya dari banyu

Kata bahasa Inggris dari banyu adalah (Jv) water. — bening clear water, i.e., a mystical term peculiar to Javanese philosophical mysticism. It refers to peace in one’s household, success in one’s work or enterprise, cure for sick ness, etc. It may also be in the form of a slametan, following an ascetic (religious) regimen etc. — gege water warmed by the morning sun. memandikan bayi dengan — gege to bathe an in fant in such water.banyu(n) k.o. lye, i.e., coconut milk with charcoal or soot, black coloring for the teeth.


sumber: Stevens, Alan M. and A. Ed. Schmidgall-Tellings. A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary Second Edition. Ohio University Press. 3338

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